
Midnight Strike Slant Tweezer

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The Tweezerman Midnight Strike Slant Tweezer features their award-winning Slant Tweezer body and hand-filed tips with a sleek color-blocked design. The superior calibrated tension, 25° tips, and perfect alignment all work together to make this Slant Tweezer an effective tool for brow tweezing.

Tool Tips:

For the best and most consistent results, follow these simple steps each time you tweeze:

  1. Apply a warm, damp cloth to the area you wish to tweeze. The warmth helps open your pores and make tweezing more comfortable. If you prefer, you can use the tweezer directly after bathing.
  2. Grasp the middle of the tweezer with your thumb and forefinger.
  3. Position the tip at a 25° angle against the brow bone to grab the unwanted hair.
  4. Pull the hair in the direction of growth to remove it at the root.
  5. Continue to work along the brow until you’ve removed all unwanted hair.


With hand-filed and evenly angled tips, the Tweezerman Midnight Strike Slant Tweezer is ideal for brow shaping. The superior calibrated tension provides comfort and ease while allowing you to remove the hair from the root. The Midnight Strike Slant Tweezer is vegan and not tested on animals.


To keep your tweezers in good condition, clean them with alcohol or peroxide after each use.

To clean your Midnight Strike Slant Tweezers, follow these steps:

  1. Sanitize the tweezer tips with isopropyl alcohol or peroxide after each use.
  2. Wipe away residual moisture with a clean, dry towel.
  3. Tweezer cannot be cleaned in autoclave or barbicide.